Sunday, December 11, 2005

List of denominations/churchs I've attended

Not like you really want to know, but I am a Lister.
1958-'65 Archwood Congregational/____ Congregational (now called UCC)
'65-'67 Brookside Baptist (best Sunday School program)
'67-'90 Mayfield United Methodist (the nicest people)
'90-'92 Parkside (big and "correct")
'93 Scranton Road Bible Church (way too far to drive)
'93-'97 Mayfield Free Methodist (a small country church right in the suburbs)
'97-'99 Fellowship Bible Church (I would still be here if it was not so far away)
'99-01 Assembly of God - Word of Grace (great people, really loud service)
'01- present Bethany Covenant Church

Also, during college I attended the Presbyterian, United Methodist and the Wesleyan Church. During times of stress when great contemplation is necessary I find an Episcopal church or I just go to the woods, any season. I've also been to house churches and have participated on a Taize team. One of my all-time favorite church buildings is the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in NYC ( I also got to look out my window at work and see St. John's downtown, where I could go in and pray at any time. My dad used to go into Old Stone Church for the same reason. During school I loved to go into Church of the Good Shepherd in Athens. I am so glad they chose to keep their doors unlocked. I love kneelers.

The thing I look for in a church is whether the people love each other and if they are doing something outside themselves for the community. It is also nice to avoid building projects at all costs. I hope to find a very poorly run gossip chain. I finally moved from one church when the pastor said, from the pulpit, that during his summer vacation he got to golf with a "non-Christian," and that it was the first time he had been around one for months. Sheesh! Like it's a novelty! I was at one church that gave out great "God hor's d'ouvres" but could not provide a thing for the older Christian. Most places I've been, probably all, have been full of human forgiven sinners, so I felt at home.

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